Check your health, learn about cholesterol levels

By testing your good and bad cholesterol levels, you'll get a better understanding of just how healthy you are . You'll also find that your doctor will break down that report into several numbers and whether your cholesterol is good or bad. With all the medical advances, that you'll come across you’ll be able to know exactly what part of your good cholesterol is out of control and how your overall progress is doing.

You'll receive the cholesterol test numbers with an explanation, but it can be very confusing. You may want to get a cholesterol testing kit so that you can test yourself in the comfort of your own home. It's difficult to understand the kit, but if you learn how to do the math, then you will be able to understand your results and numbers from your cholesterol test.

Your first number is your bad cholesterol that is often referred to as low density lipids cholesterol. This is commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol” and you can remember this by using the L to stand for Lower—You will want to lower this type of cholesterol. The bad cholesterol will end up making about 65-75% of your total cholesterol, however, you should make sure that your total number is at least lower than 130. Because LDL cholesterol is the type that causes heart attacks, if you have other risk factors such as obesity or a family history of heart disease, you want to keep this number even lower, less than 100 if possible.

Your second number is your good cholesterol or HDL. This is a high density lipid cholesterol. You can always remember that your HDL is healthy by remembering the link to the “h”. You will want this to be of at least 35 or higher for men, but 40 or higher for women. Women have an easier time raising HDL levels than men do, but this can be done through exercise and your diet.

Lets take a look at good Cholesterol HDL
About Aa quarter to one-third of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is known as “good” cholesterol, because high levels of HDL seem to protect against heart attack. Low levels of HDL (less than 40 mg/dL) also increase the risk of heart disease. Medical experts think that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it's passed from the body. Some experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol from arterial plaque, slowing its buildup.

Then it's your cholesterol test number, Which is your total cholesterol level, which will add both your good cholesterol and bad together. If you keep your LDL and HDL levels normal, then you will be able to have a good total cholesterol level. However, you should consult your doctor if you have any questions about your cholesterols and the numbers.

And then finally trigylcerides also play an important role in your testing and Here are some indicators
a normal reading of triglyceride is lower than 150. You will find that anything about the 150 is considered to be high and if you are over 500, then the levels are extremely high and it could dangerous to your health. Most patients that are being treated for high triglyceride also suffer from syndrome X

Doctors also prescribe Statin drugs for cholesterol lowering.
also be aware that diabetes and cholesterol may alter things and professional diagnosis and attention is of urgence.

Here's a picture of a typical cholesterol test by clicking on the cholesterol test pic
it will take you to a larger pic of the results, To return to this page just click the back button on your browser.

Please be sure to return and visit regularly


Below is a video on understanding HDL LDL CHOLESTEROL, I find the easiest way to watch the videos on this site is push play at the bottom of the play screen , then pause it when is starts playing by pushing the play button again, this will allow the video to load completely when you see the video is fully loaded push play again and enjoy...


The low diet for colesterol as discussed over the past series will help you
see definitive results and relieve the pressure of having to take prescription
which can have nauseating effects and ultimately give you a
healthy and good cholesterol ratio.

While on the subject you may want to take a look at statin drugs
and then choose weather you would like to follow the medication route
or alternatively the natural way to cure cholesterol

Now having said all that I have had many requests on what a low diet
is and below I will give an example of what a low diet breakfast lunch
and dinner may consist of.

We also need to remain focused on the fact that we're not trying a
weight loss diet here although implementing a good cholesterol diet
will automatically reduce weight and obesity.

below you'll find a low diet




  • grapefruit 1/2 cup
  • cereal 3/4 cup
  • banana 1/2
  • egg substitute 1/4 cup
  • whole wheat toast
    2 slices
  • margarine 2 tsp
  • jam 1 Tbsp
  • 1% milk 1 cup

  • vegetable beef soup 1 cup
  • lean hamburger 2 oz
  • low-fat cheese 1 oz
  • hamburger bun
  • sliced tomato and lettuce with
    2 tsp olive oil,
    2 tsp vinegar
  • fresh fruit salad
    1/2 cup
  • oatmeal cookie 1
  • 1% milk 1 cup
  • tomato juice 1/2 cup
  • broiled chicken breast 3 oz
  • herbed brown rice 1/2 cup
  • broccoli spears 2
  • roll 1
  • margarine 1 tsp
  • carrot/raisin salad 1/2 cup
  • strawberry yogurt 1/2 cup
  • 1% milk 1 cup

If you already have an arterial plaque build up then eating correctly and having
hdl colesterol to rid the arteries of this build up is an important factor.
Remember once this build up starts to block the coronary arteries in the heart
it may result in a heart attack.

Essentially speaking, by eating the right low diet foods we reduce this risk
and the body functions better as your organs are now getting the correct
blood flow and therefore tissue regeneration can function normally
giving your overall health a better rating.

I will continue to post recipes along with the diet low cholesterol
diet tips and articles.

Please Note The Lower You Cholesterol The Natural Way
ebook Is On A Special Low Price Of $11 And Is Worth
Every Penny.... Click Here To View It.

Can your high cholesterol be a symptom of something else?

Yes very definitely, in fact if we take a close look at cholesterol ratios within a person
the results can stem from 2 factors, the one being diet, the other is genetics.
The natural dangers of high cholesterol can lead to one having a heart attack
or alternatively a stroke, which may leave you in a wheel chair permanently or for
a period of time.

Clearly your diet plays one of the most important roles in your cholesterol levels
and by feeding your body the correct substances, the power to lower or increase your cholesterol ratios rest with you.

In our last 7 posts we focused on the colesterol diet and followed a series of foods
to better your colesterol ratios, bearing in mind that you may also suffer from low cholesterol.

Now not having ruled out the fact that your High Cholesterol a Symptom of Something Else could be a gene that you have inherited in which case you still need to lower your cholesterol ratio and once again this can be achieved in 2 ways.
We mentioned diet earlier and the second option is taking Statin Drugs
a lot of people opt to lower colesterol naturally and taking drugs can sometimes have side effects, so speaking to your doctor is very advisable.

In a nutshell high cholesterol leads to a waxy plaque build up in the arteries which
in turn strains the heart by making it work harder to pump the blood, possibly resulting in a heart attack.

Good cholesterol clears the veins of this arterial build up and acts as a flushing agent
for the arteries, we did mention before that by just eating raw oats you can
reduce your cholesterol ratio in as little as 2 weeks.
Accompanied by exercise healthy eating and lots of water, you should be able to get your cholesterol levels back to normal fairly soon.

Fruit is a major bonus for your system and so are vegetables which i'm sure
you're tired of me telling you this, especially green leafy vegetables
so stock up on all the good stuff.

By testing your cholesterol levels on a regular basis(which can be done at home) and charting your progress and keeping a watchful eye you may increase your longevity
along with those who dine regularly with you.

clearly your high cholesterol can be a symptom of something else.

keep well and have a great festive season, I have almost completed a comprehensive list of foods which will give you the exact fat content within in them, using a standard kitchen measurements like oz's, teaspoons and table spoons, so look forward to it soon.

Try the 60 day natural cure to cholesterol click here

It's Part 7 of our list of foods to help lower your cholesterol, tomorrow I will be giving you a list of foods that are bad for your cholesterol.

It's very important to understand that your cholesterol diet
will lower your bad cholesterol over a period of time, Now
as I explained in the last list of foods to help lower your cholesterol (click here) we discussed oatmeal is probably one of the quickest ways to accomplish this and you can see results in as quick as 2 weeks.

Walnuts are also said to be a super food for combating high cholesterol levels and is great for good cholesterol.

Im going to keep it simple today and just give you a great
list of good cholesterol foods, be sure to visit the links below
on the cholesterol diet series at the bottom of the page.

On that note i'm in the process of compiling an extensive food category list with all the properties and benefits the food has.

Good Cholesterol Foods

Uncooked Soy (Article On Soy Cick Here)
Garlic Pomegranate juice
Black Beans
Dark Green, Leafy Vegetables
Oatmeal and oat bran
Shitake Mushrooms
Fish and omega-3 fatty acids
Olive oil Foods fortified with plant sterols or stanols
Flaxseed oil

cholesterol diet part 1
part 2
part 3

part 4

part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8


List of foods to help lower cholesterol

"We are what we eat." Our food consumed effects the cholesterol levels in our system. This makes this makes the person prone to high blood pressure or heart disease or a stroke , which could leave the patient, paralyzed or dead.

changing this requires a change in diet. While in many of the great food choices we have, often lie high concentrations of LDL better known as bad cholesterol, We can change this by simply consuming foods that have HDL or good cholesterol. Here are a few examples.

Oatmeal in the morning accompanied with fruit, this can lower the cholesterol in the body by more than 20% by consuming it in a short a period as only 2 weeks. This figure can be further reduced if this becomes a habit before going to work.

Facts prove that persons who eat at least 2 full apples a day or drink 12 ounces of apple juice are able to reduce the chances of heart diseases by 50%.

Here’s a funny one : however you may be able to do it, by eating half an onion a day
will increase the HDL and lower the LDL.

Always consider vegetables in the meal. fish or poultry instead of eating red meat. Such dishes are not high in saturated fats, which are healthier.

Garlic that has natural food properties that can declog the arteries and again lower the odds of succumbing to heart disease.

Pork and beans is also good for the diet. They contain soluble fibers to combat the bad cholesterol in the person's body.

People are often told that fats are not good for the diet. This isn’t entirely true because fats come in various forms. There are fats that are healthy such as unsaturated ones and omega 3 fatty acids.

Monosaturated and Polysaturated are ok. This means food preparation also plays a big factor in reducing lowering one’s cholesterol levels.

Being a bit overweight IS a signal you’re potentially at risk for succumbing to disease to high levels of cholesterol in the system. If the individual is unable to make a proper a dietary plan, a specialist can help you in this case, leaving you only to follow the dietary plan.

In the links below you'll find more information and lists of foods to help lower cholesterol

cholesterol diet part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8


As we continue in our diet plan here's a list of foods to help lower your cholesterol.
clearly we can see the higher cholesterol foods and the low cholesterol foods.

I also strongly suggest reading the following book:

FF Kitchen if you're looking for low cholesterol recipes
it has over 175 of them and speaks intelligently on the
subject click here to view it

Cholesterol food sources Cholesterol content in mg/ 100 g food
Cream, sour, cultured 41.67
Cream, sour, reduced fat, cultured 40.00
Sandwich spread, pork, beef 40.00
Cream, fluid, half and half 40.00
Salad dressing, mayonnaise, soybean oil, with salt 36.23
Doughnuts, cake-type, plain (includes unsugared, old-fashioned) 35.71
Fish, fish portions and sticks, frozen, preheated 32.14
Cookies, chocolate chip, prepared from recipe, made with margarine 31.25
Cookies, peanut butter, prepared from recipe 30.00
Cookies, chocolate chip, refrigerated dough, baked 26.92
KELLOGG'S Eggo Lowfat Homestyle Waffles 25.71
Cookies, shortbread, commercially prepared, plain 25.00
Cheese, low fat, cheddar or colby 21.16
Candies, milk chocolate, with almonds 19.51
Cake, snack cakes, creme-filled, chocolate with frosting 18.00
Cookies, brownies, commercially prepared 17.86
Pancakes plain, frozen, ready-to-heat (includes buttermilk) 16.67
Soup, beef broth or bouillon, powder, dry 16.67
Cake, snack cakes, creme-filled, sponge 16.47
Waffles, plain, frozen, ready -to-heat, toasted 15.15
Candies, M&M MARS, MARS MILKY WAY Bar 14.75
Pizza, cheese topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked 14.29
Candies, M&M MARS, M&M's" Milk Chocolate Candies " 14.29
Candies, M&M MARS, SNICKERS Bar 14.04
Candies, NESTLE, CRUNCH Bar and Dessert Topping 13.64
Fast foods, potatoes, hashed brown 12.50
Candies, M&M MARS, M&M's" Peanut Chocolate Candies " 10.00
Crackers, cheese, regular 10.00
Candies, caramels 9.90
Snacks, popcorn, cheese-flavor 9.09
Coleslaw, home-prepared 8.33
Sour dressing, non-butterfat, cultured, filled cream-type 8.33
Doughnuts, yeast-leavened, glazed, enriched (includes honey buns) 7.69
Sweet potato, cooked, candied, home-prepared 7.62
Puddings, vanilla, dry mix, regular, prepared with 2% milk 7.14
Puddings, vanilla, ready-to-eat 7.08
Puddings, chocolate, dry mix, regular, prepared with 2% milk 7.04
Bread, Indian, fry, made with lard (Navajo) 6.67
Salad dressing, italian dressing, reduced fat 6.67
Cookies, oatmeal, commercially prepared, soft-type 6.67
Cheese, cream, fat free 6.41
Salad dressing, russian dressing, low calorie 6.13
Puddings, chocolate, dry mix, instant, prepared with 2% milk 6.12
Snacks, popcorn, caramel-coated, without peanuts 5.68
Pie, chocolate creme, commercially prepared 5.31
Fast foods, chimichanga, with beef 5.17
Soup, onion mix, dehydrated, dry form 5.13
Fast foods, coleslaw 5.05
Snacks, trail mix, regular, with chocolate chips, salted nuts and seeds 4.11
Soup, cream of chicken, canned, prepared with equal volume water, 4.10
Milk, buttermilk, fluid, cultured, lowfat 4.08
Cheese, cottage, lowfat, 1% milkfat 3.98
Yogurt, fruit, low fat, 10 grams protein per 8 ounce 3.96
Soup, chicken noodle, dehydrated, prepared with water 3.96
Snacks, corn-based, extruded, puffs or twists, cheese-flavor 3.53
Candies, carob 3.53
Snacks, tortilla chips, nacho-flavor, reduced fat 3.53
Snacks, potato chips, made from dried potatoes, sour-cream and onion-flavor 3.53
Gravy, beef, canned 3.43
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, prepared from recipe 3.33
Milk, chocolate, fluid, commercial, lowfat 3.20
Soup, chicken noodle, canned, prepared with equal volume water, 2.90
Soup, chicken with rice, canned, prepared with equal volume water, 2.90
Fast foods, potato, mashed 2.50
Cereals ready-to-eat, QUAKER, Low Fat 100% Natural Granola with Raisins 2.00
Cereals ready-to-eat, QUAKER, QUAKER 100% Natural Cereal with oats, honey, and raisins 1.96
Gravy, chicken, canned 1.68
Gravy, turkey, canned 1.68
Egg substitute, liquid 1.59
Frozen yogurts, vanilla, soft-serve 1.39
Cake, white, prepared from recipe without frosting 1.35
Cake, white, prepared from recipe with coconut frosting 0.89
Puddings, tapioca, ready-to-eat 0.88
Puddings, rice, ready-to-eat 0.88
Bread crumbs, dry, grated, seasoned 0.83

Here's the links to previous part of the diet series

cholesterol diet part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8


Be sure to check back for the continued diet series

List Of Foods To Help lower Your Cholesterol

We are producing an obese society and the reason for this is simple
we’re in an age of “INSTANT.” Meaning, we have instant coffee, burgers and pizza’s
and literally everything is Fast…Problem is we’re dying fast too, as most of our new age living is a breeding ground for UNHEALTHY EATING HABITS, clogging our arteries with fat and cholesterol WHICH OUR BODIES HAVE NO NEED FOR AND CANNOT USE IT
these are bad cholesterol foods

Resulting in a society filled with cholesterol complications like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and overweight problems. Fact is one of the problems that the country is facing is the rising number of people with hypertension, which leads to a possible heart attack when unattended.

So what can you do lower your cholesterol levels? Monitor your cholesterol foods carefully. Then first line of attack should a combination of regular exercise and proper diet. They go hand in hand. Without one factor, you cannot succeed. Dieting without exercising the body will only lead to weak muscles, which weakens the body’s resistance.

It may also lead to fatigue and sore muscles because there are not enough nutrients in the body. Exercising, on the other hand, without the proper diet is useless as you’ll only maintain your usual weight. You won’t be gain of course, as you are burning up calories. On the other hand exercising too much will strain the muscles and might even lead to a possible heart attack because of too much strain on the heart if you over do things too quickly. Fitness is a process..

So what do you have to eat in order to lower those cholesterol levels in the body and ultimately prevent the occurrence of hypertension? check your cholesterol foods.

Lets First Take A look At Cholesterol In Foods

Table 1. Foods High in Cholesterol
Food Serving Size Cholesterol
Boiled egg 1 225 mg
Cream cheese 1oz 27 mg
Cheddar cheese 1oz 19 mg
Butter 3.5oz 250 mg
Lamb 3.5oz 70 mg
Beefsteak 3.5oz 70 mg
Chicken 3.5oz 60 mg
Kidney, beef 3.5oz 375 mg
Liver, beef 3.5oz 300 mg
Ice Cream 3.5oz 45 mg
Sponge cake 3.5oz 260 mg

Table 2. Foods Low in Cholesterol Food Cholesterol

All vegetables 0 mg
All fruits 0 mg
All grains 0 mg
All pulses 0 mg
All nuts 0 mg
All seeds 0 mg
All vegetable oils 0 mg

NOTE:Consuming more than 300 mg/day is unhealthy

Eat less oil

One of the first things that a person dieting should avoid is to eat foods that are deep-fried or those that are cooked using oil. These include potato chips, fries, fried meat, fried seafood, fried veggies and a whole lot more.They are high cholesterol foods.Oil, in the body translates to cholesterol. Eat foods that are boiled, steamed, baked and braised. Grilled foods may be eaten but don’t over do it..

Eat less meat

The fats contain lots of cholesterol. avoid eating meat frequently, if you can’t stop munching on meat, remove the fat. Chicken and Turkey is healthier so opt for them. Don’t forget to remove the skin, as cholesterol concentrate in white meats can be found on the skin.

Eat vegetables, eat vegetable, eat vegetables, eat vegetables, you catch my drift or are you on the wrong side of the breeze?

Vegetables contain zero cholesterol as you can see from the table above, it’s a great source of fibers that help the body in digesting the food.
Steam the vegetables that you eat to maintain the nutrients in it and of course avoid fatty and cholesterol additives like oils.

Eat less period

Curb your appetite slowly by taking in less food. If you can lessen the number of times that you eat, as mentioned before eat fruits.

lessen your carbohydrate intake which can be found in rice, cereals and bread. If you must eat these staple opt for the healthier kind like brown rice and wheat bread.

Phew you must hate me after all anyway bottom line is monitor your cholesterol foods..

We will get a little more in depth now but I sincerely
hope my point is coming home.... vegetables, vegetable, vegetables especially brockley it's awesome for your body..

Till next time..


Links To The Diet Deries

cholesterol diet part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8

Please visit regularly

Diet To lower Triglyceride Known as a type of fat.

The result of too much triglyceride is greater risk of a heart disease.

Your diet determines wether this level will be raised or dropped , your range should be between 10 and 250 mgs./dl, unfortunately in many cases this is not the reslult.

High triglyceride levels normally associate with high total cholesterol levels.
A basic plan to reduce these levels are as follows:

Low fat foods for breakfast eg: whole grain breads with egg whites.
Replace coffee with sugar free tea and replace milk with a fresh fruit juice
or if you enjoy milk try a fat free milk in your lower cholesterol diet..

Lunch may consist of skinless chicken, lean meat may also be included such as
flank also you may have rump or sirloin and this should definitely be accompanied
by a hearty platter of vegetables.

Purified bottled water is also great and may substitute beverages like cokes and sodas as water has many minerals which are helpful to lower cholesterol or balance it out.

Drinking bottled water is much healthier than ordering a can of diet soda because this still has certain properties that are not good for someone who is trying to cut down on cholesterol intake.

Snacks that would really help are normally vegetable slices or strips, keep a lunch box full of these and snack on them during the course of the day.
Fruit clearly plays a vital role in the subject and has a helpful hand in lowering the triglyceride levels.

A good dinner would consist of steamed fish or maybe a light pasta, bearing in mind that not many calories are burnt during the sleeping process.
Practice this as a life style and soon you will have and maintain a healthy diet which will
lower your cholesterol or maintain a low triglyceride reading.

Living healthy can be achieved. It takes determination and discipline happen.
After all you’ll feel better and have a sharper mind and focus on life..

I encourage you..

Links To The Diet Series

cholesterol diet part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8

Ps: View Our 60 Day Natural Guide To Lowering Your Cholesterol Click Here

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