Can your high cholesterol be a symptom of something else?

Yes very definitely, in fact if we take a close look at cholesterol ratios within a person
the results can stem from 2 factors, the one being diet, the other is genetics.
The natural dangers of high cholesterol can lead to one having a heart attack
or alternatively a stroke, which may leave you in a wheel chair permanently or for
a period of time.

Clearly your diet plays one of the most important roles in your cholesterol levels
and by feeding your body the correct substances, the power to lower or increase your cholesterol ratios rest with you.

In our last 7 posts we focused on the colesterol diet and followed a series of foods
to better your colesterol ratios, bearing in mind that you may also suffer from low cholesterol.

Now not having ruled out the fact that your High Cholesterol a Symptom of Something Else could be a gene that you have inherited in which case you still need to lower your cholesterol ratio and once again this can be achieved in 2 ways.
We mentioned diet earlier and the second option is taking Statin Drugs
a lot of people opt to lower colesterol naturally and taking drugs can sometimes have side effects, so speaking to your doctor is very advisable.

In a nutshell high cholesterol leads to a waxy plaque build up in the arteries which
in turn strains the heart by making it work harder to pump the blood, possibly resulting in a heart attack.

Good cholesterol clears the veins of this arterial build up and acts as a flushing agent
for the arteries, we did mention before that by just eating raw oats you can
reduce your cholesterol ratio in as little as 2 weeks.
Accompanied by exercise healthy eating and lots of water, you should be able to get your cholesterol levels back to normal fairly soon.

Fruit is a major bonus for your system and so are vegetables which i'm sure
you're tired of me telling you this, especially green leafy vegetables
so stock up on all the good stuff.

By testing your cholesterol levels on a regular basis(which can be done at home) and charting your progress and keeping a watchful eye you may increase your longevity
along with those who dine regularly with you.

clearly your high cholesterol can be a symptom of something else.

keep well and have a great festive season, I have almost completed a comprehensive list of foods which will give you the exact fat content within in them, using a standard kitchen measurements like oz's, teaspoons and table spoons, so look forward to it soon.

Try the 60 day natural cure to cholesterol click here


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