Check your health, learn about cholesterol levels
By testing your good and bad cholesterol levels, you'll get a better understanding of just how healthy you are . You'll also find that your doctor will break down that report into several numbers and whether your cholesterol is good or bad. With all the medical advances, that you'll come across you’ll be able to know exactly what part of your good cholesterol is out of control and how your overall progress is doing.
You'll receive the cholesterol test numbers with an explanation, but it can be very confusing. You may want to get a cholesterol testing kit so that you can test yourself in the comfort of your own home. It's difficult to understand the kit, but if you learn how to do the math, then you will be able to understand your results and numbers from your cholesterol test.
Your first number is your bad cholesterol that is often referred to as low density lipids cholesterol. This is commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol” and you can remember this by using the L to stand for Lower—You will want to lower this type of cholesterol. The bad cholesterol will end up making about 65-75% of your total cholesterol, however, you should make sure that your total number is at least lower than 130. Because LDL cholesterol is the type that causes heart attacks, if you have other risk factors such as obesity or a family history of heart disease, you want to keep this number even lower, less than 100 if possible.
Your second number is your good cholesterol or HDL. This is a high density lipid cholesterol. You can always remember that your HDL is healthy by remembering the link to the “h”. You will want this to be of at least 35 or higher for men, but 40 or higher for women. Women have an easier time raising HDL levels than men do, but this can be done through exercise.
Lets take a look at good Cholesterol HDL
About Aa quarter to one-third of blood cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL cholesterol is known as “good” cholesterol, because high levels of HDL seem to protect against heart attack. Low levels of HDL (less than 40 mg/dL) also increase the risk of heart disease. Medical experts think that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it's passed from the body. Some experts believe that HDL removes excess cholesterol from arterial plaque, slowing its buildup.
As for your last cholesterol test number, Which is your total cholesterol level, which will add both your good cholesterol and bad together. If you keep your LDL and HDL levels normal, then you will be able to have a good total cholesterol level. However, you should consult your doctor if you have any questions about your cholesterols and the numbers.
Here's a picture of a typical cholesterol test by clicking on the cholesterol test pic
it will take you to a larger pic of the results, To return to this page just click the back button on your browser.
Below is a video on understanding HDL LDL CHOLESTEROL, I find the easiest way to watch the videos on this site is push play at the bottom of the play screen , then pause it when is starts playing by pushing the play button again, this will allow the video to load completely when you see the video is fully loaded push play again and enjoy...
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Good And Bad Cholesterol Levels With Testing
Posted by Unknown | 10:44 AM | cholesterol, cholesterol levels, Cholesterol Test, cholesterol testing, good cholesterol, HDL, LDL | 0 comments »Cholesterol Diet Part 2
Posted by Unknown | 3:26 PM | list of foods to help lower cholesterol | 0 comments »
Below we will discuss a list of food to help lower cholesterol
Almost everybody knows the effects of bad cholesterol in the body. It has to do with low-density lipoprotein's molecular transport deposits that thicken in the walls of the arteries hindering the flawless passage of blood affecting the atherogenic status of the arterial walls. While few people do not fully appreciate the importance of cholesterol in the body, this non-soluble waxy substance is essential to aid in building membranes, manufacture of bile, cell walls, nerve sheaths, and produce hormones.
exposing the body to high cholesterol results in hypertension and cardiovascular disorders or lead to atherosclerosis, a disposition of fatty substances, and fibrosis of the inner arteries.
Certain ways to check and reduce high levels of cholesterol are *practicing good eating habits accompanied by regular exercise, compiling a list of foods to help lower your cholesterol is imperative.
Good Eating Habits include this list of foods to help lower cholesterol:
1. Arrange a total cholesterol-free daily diet by creating a weekl menu with vegetable-packed recipes and good supply of fiber-filled fruits. Organically produced food types from such sources as organic gardens is so much the better. Chemicals enhance the increase in cholesterol level. Carbohydrates should be of high complex standards.
Supermarkets have the availability of fresh organic vegetables like lettuce. The high fiber-content of vegetables that you eat will reduce the LDL cholesterol, these foods are very low-cholesterol-content, or non-containing at all. clearly foods that enhance low-density lipoprotein produce a risk and settle in the arteries during the process of the lipoprotein molecules travel to the blood stream.
so as we see a list of foods to lower your cholesterol will determine your result.
2. If egg is included in your meals, eat more egg white, never the egg yolk if you're already an LDC possibile victim. Concentrate on baked foods that are made from whole wheat, and noodles made from cereals. Use unrefined sugar in your light beverages. Fully refined food preparations are processed thru certain chemicals for fine or whitening effects for marketing ends, but are in fact health hazards.
3. Water is the universal solvent and must be included in your list of foods to lower cholesterol. There is no harm in drinking more water, following the daily water requirements standard to aid in the total digestion process to balance body equilibrium in cleaning the body to improve blood circulation.
4. Eat more root crops than baked foods that are prepared with certain additives, coloring, and extenders for commercial purposes.
5. Drink fresh fruit juices, instead of soft drinks with high sugar content and artificial colorings and additives. Practically, anyone who drinks chocolate beverage, or any chemical drinks and caffeine-filled, like strong coffee risks himself or herself to certain cholesterol levels.
Always remember that trans fats and hydrogenated fats or oils used in the baking or in food processing are even more destructive than saturated fats of some oil origin. prepare your food with selected palm oils, especially "olive oil." It may be costly, but it is the safest oil to use in the kitchen for overall safety.
The best habit to consider is a regular check up of your cholesterol count, so as to safeguard against instant increase that might lead to unaware possible consequence of a fatal hypertension, or stroke due to unprecedented cholesterol rise.
Please be sure to follow this blog as we continue to share the list of foods to help lower your cholesterol.
Links To The Diet Series
cholesterol diet part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
GETTING STARTED ON Lowering Your Cholesterol Diet
Please be sure to follow my Lowering your cholesterol diet series on this blog
It will be a 20 part series packed with great information and videos...
Indeed, cholesterol is a growing problem in the health of many people in the world. Experts say that people over 20 years of age should be more concerned about their cholesterol levels; thus, they should start doing everything they can to lower LDL cholesterol.IT's quite hard to stick to the needed requirements and regiments to combat the growing problem, experts say that it can be controlled with the proper diet to lower cholesterol.
A good diet to lower cholesterol can reduce a person’s risk of heart diseases while getting rid of bad fats,emphasis on eating heart-healthy foods.Aside from using the proper and proven low cholesterol diets available today, the most important thing is taking in the right foods and effective cholesterol formulas to assist in lowering cholesterol levels.
Experts say that a diet to lower cholesterol includes good foods like grains,especially whole grain products and cereals—fish rich in omega3 such as salmon and tune, a variety of fruits and leafy vegetables, nuts, juices, and the like. Here are other effective means of lowering cholesterol level through diet:
1....Make sure that you visit your attending physician first before trying out any low cholesterol diets so he/she could administer the proper examinations and access your general health status.
2....Replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat in meat, chicken and whole milk products.
3....Refrain from eating refined carbohydrates contained by bakery products, pastas and sugary or sugar-added foods.
4....When eating out, makes sure that you ask the waiter to make serving substitutions like steamed or boiled food preparations. If possible i your cholesterol diet, also pick lean meat, fish, or skinless chicken that is broiled, baked, grilled, steamed, or poached instead of being fried and ask for lots of vegetable side dishes and fresh fruit desserts.
5.... Cutting down on eggs, margarine, or butter out of your daily diet.
6.... Use natural-based oils such as vegetable, corn, and olive oils when cooking instead of the usual cooking oil.
7.... Load up on a lot of garlic when you’re preparing dishes because it contains substances that help lower HDL cholesterol.
8.... Take in high quality daily vitamin mineral supplements like Vitamin E to improve blood circulation, and Vitamin C and vitamin B3 to lower your high cholesterol levels.
Below is a brief video on lowering your cholesterol Diet Tips
Links To The Diet Series
cholesterol diet part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
Best FoodS As Part of the Diet to Lower Cholesterol
People have to eat in order to have energy. Some are able to make three or four trips to the buffet table while others are satisfied after one.The type of food brought to the plate could be healthy or harmful and the choice is really up to the person.
Those who love to eat red meat and other dishes that are fatty or oily are at risk of getting sick. This isn’t diarrhea but something worse which could be life threatening because of the amount of bad cholesterol that is being taken into the body.
High levels of cholesterol ARE MORE EVIDENT THAN ever before, Purely because of the the types of food that are available to us.However we can choose foods that are not high in saturated fats.
Is there one food product that can be called the best to lower cholesterol? The answer is no because a well balanced diet must come from all the food groups.
Instead of drinking full cream milk or mixing this with cornflakes or whole grain, it is best to use non fat milk instead. The taste is almost the same is much healthier.
Instead of having steak when having a cookout or picnic, this should be changed with lean meats instead. These foods don’t have that much fat in the center or in the edges and taste just as good as the big slab served with mash potatoes.
The healthiest thing to have either for lunch and dinner is sea food... This can be fish or shellfish that is known to carry Omega 3, which is very effective in lowering the levels of cholesterol in people.
Eating a candy bar or a slice of cake doesn’t seem so bad but they're rich in fat. Those who need to fill the stomach with something should try nuts or fruits instead. These products are rich in fiber as well as vitamins and minerals that are healthier to consume.
In each meal, one must not forget to add some fruits in the plate. A salad works best or having a few carrots or potatoes as a side dish. There must always be a balance wether it's meat or fish.
Chicken is no good if it's fried. Those who want to eat it for a change can still do so provided the skin has been removed.It can also be steamed which is a healthier way of cooking.
There are many ways to cook the foods mentioned.You can get a cookbook or download some recipes from the Internet and come up with something delicious and at the same time lower one’s cholesterol levels.
If following the instructions are hard, there are always shows on television that teach homemakers the basics of cooking something fat free which is good for the diet.
It's never too late to make some lifestyle and changes in order to live a longer and healthier life with good cholesterol levels.
Here's the links to the diet series
cholesterol diet part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
High Cholesterol in Diabetics
If you have diabetes, you have a condition where the body and pancreas is not producing enough insulin for your body to function properly. You'll find that it puts you at risk of vision problems and your doctor will give you many warnings once you're diagnosed... or alternatively if you're developing diabetes. You'll notice there are many discoveries about the link between cholesterol and diabetes.
You may notice that this link is called Macular edema and it's very harmful to your health.Diabetes and high cholesterol are very harmful to your health. If you have both of then, you'll want to make sure that you pay close attention to your diet and that you increase your levels of exercise so that you don’t lose your sense of sight or become affected by diabetes and high cholesterol horrors.
The illness, macular edema is where you lose vision or become blind in one or both eyes since there is water in the macular of the eye. High glucose levels in the bloodstream, which happens when your body does not produce insulin, puts you at a greater risk for developing macular edema, and the surgery to relieve this condition, if it is even possible, is dangerous and difficult. The recent studies show that there are diabetics who suffer from high cholesterol are more likely to develop macular edema.
You will want to note that there are both good and bad kinds of cholesterol. Good cholesterol is needed in the body, and is called HDL. Bad cholesterol, called LDL, produces excess lipoproteins in the blood stream, which build up on blood vessel walls. You will find that scientist claim that this will cause heart attacks and may be responsible for strokes, and you will want to take a healthy approach to life so that you can afford the risk of suffering from such disorders..... Because diabetic patients are two to four times more likely to develop macular edema if they also have high levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood stream, they need to be extra careful about their diets.
You may not know this, but there are foods like eggs, fish, and milk that happen to contain a lot of bad cholesterol, however, these foods are foods that are praised to be healthy for you. . Foods high in trans fats are also culprits for LDL cholesterol.... Although we do need some LDL cholesterol in our body for things such as cell membrane production, our livers produce most, if not all, of what we need to function Meaning that you will have to limit your intake of such foods.......
You'll find that by avoiding such foods that are high in cholesterol you will be able to keep your vision by preventing all of the macular edema risks and diabetic patients will be able to find some control. Low cholesterol diets are needed for anyone and everyone. You will need to think about your diet and how healthy you are. You will want to make sure that you do all that you can to become healthy with diet and exercise. You can check your cholesterol levels by using a home test kit and you will be able to check the levels more accurately when you go to your doctor. If you stay healthy you will be able to prevent macular edema and you will be able to avoid some serious health problems..........
Below is a video on understanding CHOLESTEROL and DIABETES, I find the easiest way to watch the videos on this site is push play at the bottom of the play screen , then pause it when is starts playing by pushing the play button again, this will allow the video to load completely when you see the video is fully loaded push play again and enjoy