Foods to Avoid to Lower Colestrol

Unfortunately for many many people the simple fact they don't understand the cholesterol equation means they don't consider what they eat and little attention is paid to colestrol ratio in certain foods. In fact, a lot of those of the dishes made in fast food joint are unhealthy which has prompted McDonald’s to print the calories, cholesterol on each product given to the customer.

The growing number of overweight and obese persons has caught the attention of doctors as many are considered to be high risk of suffering from heart disease or stroke in the United States.

Aside from advising people to visit the doctor annually, a complete lifestyle change may need to be considered before it's too late. This usually means making some changes in the food being eaten since this is the only way to control
the amount of cholesterol going into your system.

Type of High Colestrol foods to be avoided : The first is reducing the quantity of red meat being consumed. A good example is steak, ham and bacon that is high in fat.

Giving it up will be difficult so eating smaller portions should be done especially for those who are moderate or at a high risk of getting a heart disease or a stroke.

Fried food such as hamburgers and fries should also be avoided. The ingredients and oil used in cooking these things are also high in colestrol that could be dangerous to one’s health. This includes pre-packaged frozen meals that a lot of people will just throw in the microwave after a long day at the office.

Dairy products such as milk, eggs and chicken should also be reduced. If the person has a hard time giving this up, this can be substituted using non-fat milk or yogurt to provide calcium that the body needs.

Junk food, candies and cake. As the individual gets older, these things have to be avoided. This is because the ingredients used in making these products are high in fat.

Now that more or less the food the person should avoid has been revealed, it is time to mention those that can be substituted to maintain a good diet.

Ideally, those who want to reduce the cholesterol intake should have a diet that contains less than 30% of fat. Those who can eat less will do better in living a healthy life.

The best products in the market to get are beans, fish oil, fruits, garlic, grains, soy, vegetables and whole grain bread. These things have vitamins and minerals as well as omega 3 acids that are known to reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

Complex Carbohydrates
Baked goods: whole grain or enriched breads and rolls; low-fat or homemade muffins, pancakes, waffles, and biscuits using polyunsaturated margarine or oil and non-fat milk butter or cheese rolls and breads; croutons; commercial biscuits, muffins, pancakes, pastries, sweet rolls, donuts, croissants, popovers
Home recipes use weekly egg allowance or use egg whites and egg substitutes store bought miyes with saturated fats including coconut, palm oils, and hydrogenated fats
Tortillas: corn, soft flour made with unsaturated oils soft flour made with lard, shortening, hydrogenated fats, coconut, and palm oils
Pasta & Rice: noodles, spaghetti, macaroni, brown rice (preferred), white rice, wild rice prepared with whole eggs, cream, and cheese sauces; canned or boxed noodle and macaroni dishes; canned spaghetti dishes
Cereals: cooked or dry (unsweetened preferred), oats and bran, barley any with coconut, instant hot cereals, granola
Crackers/Snacks: unsalted crackers, pretzels, popcorn prepared with air popper or mono/polyunsaturated oil salted crackers or snacks; fried snack foods; any snacks or crackers containing saturated fats, coconut or palm oils, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats; cheese crackers or snacks; potato chips; corn chips; tortilla chips; chow mein noodles; commercial buttered popcorn

so clearly we can see the high cholesterol foods and the low cholesterol foods.
We will continue the recipe series in the next post..keep your cholesterol ratios in check.

Link To: Foods to help lower your colestrol


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